Director: Bouli LANNERS
Cast: Bouli LANNERS, Michelle FAIRLEY
Bouli LANNERS's movie
Director: Bouli LANNERS
Cast: Bouli LANNERS, Michelle FAIRLEY
After a stroke and no memories from his past, Phil encounters Millie who inhabits a desert part of Isle of Lewis. She will shortly entrust him with his deepest secret : they were in love.
Director: Bouli LANNERS
Cast: Bouli LANNERS, Michelle FAIRLEY
Year: 2022
Producers Versus Production (BE), Barry Crerar (UK), Playtime (FR), Prime Time (BE)
Distribution O'Brother Distribution (BE) - Ad Vitam (FR)
International Sales Playtime
Written and directed by Bouli Lanners
Produced by Jacques-Henri Bronckart - Versus production / Belgium
Co-produced by Rosie Crerar & Ciara Barry - barry crerar / England Sébastien Beffa, Nicolas Brigaud-Robert
& François Yon - Playtime / France
Executive producer Associated producers Antonino Lombardo - Prime Time / Belgium Gwennaëlle Libert
Benjamin Taylor, Arlette Zylberberg, Tanguy Dekeyser, Philippe Logie
Set director Tim Mielants
DOP Frank Van Den Eeden, NSC SBC
Film editor Ewin Ryckaert
Decors Paul Rouschop, Julien Denis
Costumes Elise Ancion
Sound Cameron Mercer, Thomas Gauder, Marc Bastien, Etienne Carton
Casting Simone Pereira Hind
1st assistant director Marcus Himbert
Production director Sophie Casse
Postproduction director Nathalie Delens
Set location Lewis Island (Scotland)
A production Versus production
In co-production with barry crerar, Playtime, Prime Time,
RTBF (Television Belge), Proximus, VOO et Be tv
With the participation of Ad Vitam
With the support of Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral belge, of Inver Tax Shelter, of the Centre du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, of the Fonds Audiovisuel de Flandre (VAF), of Wallimage
With the support of the Gouvernement Ecossais and of the Loterie Nationale par l’intermédiaire de Creative Scotland
Toronto International Film Festival - TIFF
Chicago International Film Festival - Best Actor & Best Actress Awards
Les Arcs Film Festival
La Roche-sur-Yon IFF - Jury Prize
Genève Film Festival
Ostende Film Festival