Baby balloon

Baby balloon

FEATURE - completed
110 min | Comedy, Drama | 2013


Director: Stefan LIBERSKI
Cast: Ambre GROUWELS, César DOMBOY, Philippe REBBOT


Bici is a young 18 year old girl. Chubby and bursting with talent, she sings in a rock band where the lead guitarist, Vince, is her childhood friend. Bici has been secretly in love with him forever. When Anita appears unexpectedly in the lives of the band as well as Vince’s, Bici tries to throw her out. At all costs. But Bici will later discover that Anita wasn’t the only thing standing in her way. Something else was preventing her from leaving her childhood.

Director: Stefan LIBERSKI
Cast: Ambre GROUWELS, César DOMBOY, Philippe REBBOT
Year: 2013
Producers Versus production (BE), Hold Up Films & Productions (FR), Lilies Films (FR)
Distribution O'Brother Distribution (BE), Pyramide Distribution (FR)

General information

A COPRODUCTION : Versus production, Hold-Up Films, RTBF (Télévision belge), Belgacom

WITH THE SUPPORT OF : du Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et de Voo

WITH THE SUPPORT OF : de la Wallonie, du Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral belge et d'Inver Invest

WITH THE SUPPORT OF : du programme MEDIA de l'Union Européenne


WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF : du Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée

IN ASSOCIATION WITH : Indéfilms, Soficinéma 9   


Baby balloon Baby balloon Baby balloon Baby balloon
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Full Cast

Ambre Grouwels

Ambre Grouwels

César Domboy

César Domboy

Pauline Parigot

Pauline Parigot

Philippe Rebbot

Philippe Rebbot

Isabelle De Hertogh

Isabelle De Hertogh